“Marble-ous” Conversations
Our goal for 2022 is to have 1,000 gospel conversations with people in our community… real conversations with people about their relationship with Christ. Members who have committed to having a gospel conversation have taken a marble, and after they have a gospel conversation with someone, they put the marble in this stunning wooden case.
This beautiful case was built by Dan and Bridget Cook. Dan is active duty at Fort Campbell and loves woodworking and hunting. Bridget is a veteran and multi-talented wife who has been a great coach for our Upward Basketball. They have designed the case so that as more conversations about Christ are recorded, the picture of Christian County disappears and only the cross remains illuminated.
Interested in participating?
Please pick up a marble – or two, or three! – on the table in the lobby of the worship center. We can’t wait to hear about your “Marble-ous” Conversations!