The Senior Adult Ministry exists at Second Baptist Church because senior adults do not lose their person-hood as a result of aging. Although some seniors, for medical reasons, are not able to function or even be aware of the presence of others, they are still made in His image. On the other hand, many seniors can nod their heads in agreement with Paul’s affirmation of aging:
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
Within these two boundaries, we find seniors fitting into various categories and some into no categories, still maintaining their freedom and independence.
Cast me not off in the time of old age. Psalms 71:9
The Senior Adult Ministry seeks to accomplish these five goals:
- Reach all unsaved senior adults for the Lord and church membership.
- Provide Bible study for all groups of seniors.
- Encourage the use of spiritual gifts.
- Encourage seniors to live quality lifestyles.
- Provide Christian fellowship.
We do this through the following methods:
- Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:00 am
- Young at Heart Choir every Tuesday at 10:00 am
- Golden Sunshine Club meets the fourth Thursday at 9:30 am
- An ongoing prayer chain
- Staying in touch with all seniors whether at home, in assisted living facilities, nursing home, etc.
- Providing for special needs as the occasion arises
- Day and overnight trips
- May 26 – Amish Day. The sign-up sheet is on our bulletin board, make sure you sign up. Buses will leave at 10:30 am. Bring spending money in cash for lunch and shopping.
- July 30 – Nashville Sounds trip. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board, so make sure you sign up. Buses will be leaving at 4:30 pm and the game starts at 6:00 pm.

YAH Trip to Adsmore Museum and Majestic Restaurant in Princeton