David Tucker
Lead Pastor
Brother David and his wife Denise joined the Second Baptist family in 2011. Denise and David have been married for 24 years and have three children. They have home schooled for 15 years with their oldest now attending college. David has been in ministry for over 35 years and served in locations from Massachusetts to Utah. As SBC continues to grow, he is constantly amazed at the power of God to change and restore lives. David strongly believes that church is not about the numbers attending inside the walls; it is about the impact those people make for Christ out in the world.

Hunter Hanson
Minister of Young Families and Young Adults
Hunter joined Second Baptist in April 2021. He grew up on the coastline of Mississippi and met his wife, Emma, while at Mississippi State University. They have young daughters who keep them very busy. Hunter carries two master’s degrees from MSU and a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville. Most recently, Hunter completed a pastoral residency at Alistair Begg’s, Parkside Church in Ohio. Hunter spends his extra time with family, good books, and following Mississippi State sporting programs.

Matthew Crook
Minister of Music and Worship
Matt Crook and his wife Mary joined the staff at Second Baptist in February 2023. They have Five children–Sophie, Addie, Levi, Jackson, and Jude. Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in Church music from Campbellsville University and a Master of Church Music from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Matt and Mary are both native Kentuckians, Matt being from Hopkins County and Mary from Fayette County. Matt has a heart for leading God’s people in worship and developing musicians for the Glory of God! Matt has been serving in full-time music/worship ministry for over 24 years with locations including Kentucky, Virginia, Florida, and Oklahoma. In their free time, the Crooks enjoy the outdoors, being with family, and everything Disney!

Lori Kirkman
Children’s Ministry Director
Lori Kirkman is married to Brad, and they have two children – Emma and Cooper. Lori graduated from Murray State University with her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. She taught 4th Academy before becoming a mother. After being a stay-at-home mom for several years, Lori felt the calling to work in the children’s ministry at SBC, her home church. God opened doors and presented the opportunity for Lori to become the first children’s ministry director at SBC in 2008. The Kirkman family also lives in a Challenge House, where they serve as Neighborhood Ambassadors. Challenge House is a local, faith-based ministry to underserved, inner city neighborhoods.

Justin & Danielle Grace
Youth Ministry Directors
Justin and Danielle joined our ministry team in 2022 to save, disciple and encourage youth in Christian county. They are passionate about connecting with and mentoring young people as they navigate our ever-changing world. With a knowledge and love for God’s Word, they set an example for our teens, living out the good news of Jesus Christ. They have two beautiful girls and a sweet baby boy.

Dana Lopez
Financial Secretary
Dana became part of the SBC team in September 2006. After graduating from the University of Kentucky, she remained in Lexington and worked in the banking industry until deciding to move back home to be closer to her extended family. She’s fluent in Spanish and enjoys ministering in song.

Emily Couchman
Administrative Assistant
Emily joined the SBC Team in May of 2023. She is Hopkinsville born and raised and loves this community and its people. When she’s not at the front desk helping out our church family, Emily is usually working with local businesses to help them grow through social media. She is currently planning a wedding with her fiance, Carter, this October. Emily is a member at Casky Baptist Church where she enjoys serving in the nursery with the two and three-year-olds.